My Doc’s™

App Details

A simple and easy way to save your medical history and medicines you are currently taking in your mobile phone
My Doc's


Our app allows you all this and more

My Doc’s™ is the easiest way to keep track of your doctors and important medical information…. especially doctor appointments. In addition My Doc’s™ lets you organize and retain important information like your doctor’s name, address and phone number. In addition policy numbers for insurances with phone numbers and addresses for your:

  • Primary Doctor
  • Specialty Doctor(s)
  • Dentist
  • Optometrists
  • Pharmacy(s)
  • Appointments

No longer do you have to waste time looking up your doctor(s) name(s), phone number(s), address(es) or appointments; all this is contained in your mobile phone and My Doc’s™. Visiting a new doctor, My Doc’s™ provides all the information you need and just a click away. Have a busy schedule and hard to keep track of your doctor appointments? My Doc’s™ does that for you also. In your mobile messaging folder you will receive a text appointment reminder at 30 days, 7 days and 1 day prior to your appointment. See the appointment days highlighted in your calendar including your doctor’s name, date and time. Convenient, Easy to Use, My Doc’s™ is the perfect solution that will help you organize your life.

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It should give you an idea on our services and their potential to save your life. Convenient, Easy to use -My DocsTM is the perfect solution that will help you organize your life

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